Forming chromosomes
What are the principal structural and biochemical events that drive chromosome formation as cells enter mitosis?
Coating chromosomes
How do nucleolar proteins and RNAs assemble the mitotic chromosome periphery compartment and is this important?
Segregating chromosomes
How is centromere chromatin assembled, organised and disassembled during mitosis on an endogenous vertebrate chromosome and during human artificial chromosome (HAC) formation?
Controlling the process
How do mitotic kinases, including Cdk1 and Aurora B in the Chromosomal Passenger Complex (CPC), regulate events during synchronous entry and exit from mitosis?
Explaining Cell Biology
An attempt to bring the beauty and wonders of the world of Cell Biology alive to a new generation of undergraduates and more advanced science and medical students
Image: Fernanda Cisneros-Soberanis, Graham Johnson, Thomas Brown